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The HTTP Base Client is an abstraction of the OkHttpClient. It provides features such as retry handlers (see Retries) and automated paginated requests.


public class MyCustomService {
  private Counter counter;
  void init(MeterRegistry meterRegistry) {
    counter = Counter.builder("pdp.mycustomservice.count")
        .tag("key", "value")
  public void count() {


RetryUtils, as its name may suggest, provide utils or methods to handle the retry of a Runnable or Supplier. It also handles the exceptions might occur during the run.

By default, the RetryUtils will use a ConstantDelayRetry, wich will retry 3 times with a delay of 5 seconds.


Retries are managed by resilience4j, see more. There is a backoff policy for retries: pdp.core-common.config.BackoffPolicyProperties, example of implementation:

final var random = new AtomicIntegerRandom();

You can also specify a custom retry policy passing it through parameters.

AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger();
RetryUtils.retry(atomicInteger::getAndIncrement, new ConstantDelayRetry(2, 100))


final int upperbound = 25;
final var backoffPolicy = new BackoffPolicyPropertiesImpl();

 // Retry configuration
Predicate<Integer> isOdd = number -> number % 2 == 0;
var retryConfig = backoffPolicy.<Integer>getRetryConfigBuilder()

var retry = Retry.of("Get odd number", retryConfig);

return Retry.decorateFunction(retry, f -> random.nextInt(upperbound)).apply(isOdd);


Scheduled tasks are handled by Quartz. Any application can inject the org.quartz.Scheduler bean to register/unregister its own cron jobs.
