Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


     postFilter (Optional, Boolean) If true the facet value query will be added as a post filter Defaults to true.

     type (String) The search engine type (Elastic/Open/Solr for instance). Currently, only elasticsearch and opensearch are elastic is supported

     aclField (String) The name of the search engine field to use for filtering facet values snapped to based on user permissions


Vector Query

This component creates a vector query for the given query string. The vector query is based on the template given or a default template if none is given.

The query may use a vector only, or may include a minimum should match element depending on configuration.

The default templates are tied to a specific engine type (ie opensearch or elasticsearch) which can be specified in the configurationdetects in an array of cypher queries the entity to be changed.

  "component": "replaceEntities",
  "description": "Replace Entity description",
Configuration parameters:


(Optional, opensearch or elastic) The type of search engine to produce queries for when using default templates. Defaults to opensearch.


(Optional, boolean) boolean) Replace or merge the query into the body. Defaults to false.


  "feedbackField": "/..",
  "feedbackMessagesField": [
  "endpointField": "/..",
  "queryField": "/..",
  "queryResponseField": "/.."


Find Entity

This component performs operations in the staging respository (such as storage and fetch)identifies an entity based on configuration parameters.

    "component": "stagingfindEntity",
    "description": "This componentprocessor executesfinds operations in the staging repositoryan entity",
Configuration parameters:


(String array) The name array list of the bucket POS to use in the staging repository.


(String) The staging operation to perform. Options are:

     getAll Gets all documents from bucket

     fetch Fetches a document with ID specified in idField from bucket

     store Stores in bucket


(Json) The staging connection properties (servers, connection, credentials).

     "servers": List<ConnectionInfo>,
     "connection": HttpConnectionProperties,
     "credentials": {
       "username": String,
       "password": String

      servers (ConnectionInfo array) The staging servers

      connection (Optional, HttpConnectionProperties) connectTimeout and readTimeout. Both defaults to 5 seconds.

      credentials (Optional, Basic Credentials) JSON containing username and password for basic authentication on the given instance.


(Optional, String) If fetch required, path to the ID of the doc to get. If store optional, the new ID of the doc.


(Optional, String) If store, The path in the body that splits it into sub-documents. This value must be an array.


(Optional, Boolean) If true, component fetches paths from previous component response. Defaults to false.

Find Entity

This component identifies an entity based on configuration parameters.

    "component": "findEntity",
    "description": "This processor finds an entity",
Configuration parameters:


(String array) The array list of POS to identify the entity, valid POS: NOUN, ADJ, JJ, JJR, JJS, AFX, NN, PROPN, NNP, NNPS, NNS.


(Integer) The amount of tokens of the entity to be extracted. If entity tokens is les than minTokens param the entity will be ignored.

Security Filter

This component adds a security filter for a query.

    "component": "security_filter",
    "description": "A security filter component",
Configuration parameters:


(String) The name of the header the token should be in.


(String) The name for the permissions filter field in the request.


(Json) The engine connection properties (servers, credentials, and index).

     "engineType": String,
     "servers": List<ConnectionInfo>,
     "credentials": AuthenticationCredentials,
     "index": String

      engineType (String) The main engine to use (Options are OPENSEARCH, ELASTICSEARCH). Defaults to OpenSearch.

      servers (ConnectionInfo array) The search engine servers

      credentials (AuthenticationCredentials) The search engine authentication

      index (String) The document index for user information in the engine


(Optional, String) The URL for validating that the token is still valid against a JWK Provider. Defaults to null.


(Optional, String) The public acl. Defaults to "PUBLIC::ALL".


(Optional, String) The user hash from the parameter. Defaults to "hash".


(Optional, Boolean) Whether to create the filter query. Defaults to true.


(Optional, Boolean) Whether to add permissions to the request and build a filter with them. Defaults to falseidentify the entity, valid POS: NOUN, ADJ, JJ, JJR, JJS, AFX, NN, PROPN, NNP, NNPS, NNS.


(Integer) The amount of tokens of the entity to be extracted. If entity tokens is les than minTokens param the entity will be ignored.

Endpoint API

The endpoint API allows to define and manage endpoints which can then be used in the API controller.
