Random Generator Connector
Random Generator Connector
Generates random records with a configurable size. Ideal for testing and health checks. The resulting text is placed on a 'payload' field.
Example configuration in a seed:
"seed": {
"recordSize": 128,
"recordSizeMin": 15,
"recordSizeMax": 30,
"records": 1000000
"name": "Random Record Generator",
"type": "random-generator-connector",
"pipelineId": "9901132e-5b03-415e-9131-5443282dd0dd"
Configuration parameters:
(Required, Integer or List) Max size of the record contents in characters. For instance, if maxRecordSize is 5, it will generate payloads like 'aaaaa', 'bbb' or 'cc'. When a list is received the payload size will change according to the list elements, for example with a [3, 5] list the first element will have a payload like 'aaa' while the next one will be 'bbbbb', when reaching the end if the list it will go back to the beginning and continue from there. Values must be bigger than zero.
Example configuration with recordSize as List:
"seed": {
"recordSize": [
"records": 1000000
"name": "Random Record Generator",
"type": "random-generator-connector",
"pipelineId": "9901132e-5b03-415e-9131-5443282dd0dd"
(Required, Integer) Min size of the record contents in characters. Payload size for the records will be randomly generated between this value and recordSizeMax, this value will be ignored if recordSize is provided. Must be bigger than zero and lower than recordSizeMax, default value is 1.
(Required, Integer) Max size of the record contents in characters. Payload size for the records will be randomly generated between this recordSizeMin and this value, this value will be ignored if recordSize is provided. Must be bigger than zero and greater than recordSizeMin, default value is 512.
(Required, Integer) The number of records to generate.
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