Tagger Processor

Tagger Processor

This processor is on charge of tagging a document based on a specific Taxonomy list.


Example configuration in a processor:

  "name":"Tagger Processor",
  "output": "tags",
  "taxonomyFiles": [
  "taxonomies": [

Configuration parameters:


(Required, String) The name of the field to evaluate and tag.


(Optional, String) The name of the field where to put the tags. Default: tags

taxonomies - taxonomyFiles

(Required, List) One of the two options must be specified. If both are specified, taxonomy will be ignored in favor of taxonomyFiles.

taxonomies - List of taxonomies specified directly on the configuration.

taxonomyFiles - List of files containing the taxonomy info. These files must be stored in file storage.

Taxonomy Map Cache

For each execution a Taxonomy Map is loaded and cached in memory. To configure the cache properties use the following parameters:

        initialCapacity: 10
        maximumSize: 50
        maximumWeight: 100
        expireAfterWrite: 1h
        expireAfterAccess: 5m
        recordStats: true
        testMode: false

For more information on each parameter see Core Common Cache Manager.

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